President’s Message

New Year’s Resolutions

I’ll admit, I don’t necessarily write down a list of New Year’s resolutions, however I do take the time to reflect on the things that I want to do better in the new year, or get accomplished in the new year.

  For example, I have a goal this year to clean out my garage… like really purge it, get rid of all the stuff I don’t need or use, or really even know it’s in there.  I also plan to contribute more money to my kid’s college fund (we have four of them… ouch).

It is also the time of the year where we establish our business goals for the next year.  Together with our company leadership we establish business goals, such as revenue generation and profitability; leadership goals, which include mentoring and staff development; and professional growth goals, that include training and personal development.

So, what are your goals or resolutions for the new year?

I have a suggestion, get more involved in your industry.  It doesn’t necessarily have to be ACEC, although we would love it if it was.  There are many great organizations in the Sacramento Region… APWA, ASCE, CWEA and WTS to name a few.  As one of our ACEC Sierra Chapter Board Members (Marco Palilla) pointed out in our summer newsletter, there are many great reasons to get involved in an industry organization, such as: networking, socializing with colleagues, learning new things and giving back to the industry.  Getting more involved is a commitment, and it takes time away from other things in your life, however, it really isn’t that much time, and it can be very rewarding.  In my own personal experience, I have found that my involvement with ACEC has helped me grow as both a person and a professional.  I am developing skills that help me become a more balanced engineer and will carry me forward in my career.

If you are already active and involved in an industry organization, first of all… thank you!  And secondly, then I have a suggestion for you, make it your goal to get someone else in your company involved.  This, in fact, is one of my personal goals this year.  It is a goal that is fully supported by the leadership at my firm.  It is our responsibility to make sure our employees are afforded the opportunity to learn, network and develop their careers.  The next generation is what is going to propel our industry into the future.  Someone did it for us, and we need to pass it on.

Fortunately, there are so many great opportunities to get involved over the next few months, beginning on January 10th when we have a joint meeting with the local chapter of APWA.  Please see the flyer in this newsletter to get registered.  On February 19th, ACEC gathers many of the past Presidents of the Sierra Chapter to celebrate their contributions to the industry.  This is one of the premier networking events in the region, and an incredible opportunity for the next generation to “pick the brains” of our seasoned veterans of the industry.  On March 18th, we partner with Calmentor to put together a panel of transportation experts from the region to discuss the projects and programs that will keep our region mobile.  And on May 20th, one of my personal favorite events, is Legislative Visit Day.  It is an interesting peek behind the curtain at our State Capitol, where we get a chance to influence major policy decisions that can impact our industry long into the future.  If you haven’t been to this event, I highly recommend it.

So, as you take some time over the holidays to reflect on what was hopefully a fantastic 2019, and plan for your 2020, please consider making one of your goals for the new year to give back to the industry by getting more involved.  I wish you all very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Author: Editorial Team