September 20, 2023 Meeting Recap

The September ACEC monthly meeting featured guest speaker Matt Click, Executive Director of the Placer County Transportation Planning Agency (PCTPA). Click began his presentation by welcoming all consultants in attendance and reinforcing that his door is always open to support them in any way.

Click provided an overview of PCTPA’s role as the regional transportation agency for Placer County. PCTPA helps local jurisdictions obtain funding to plan, design and deliver important transportation projects. Every 4-5 years, PCTPA updates the county’s 25-year transportation plan called the Placer Transportation Plan to reflect current needs and priorities. Click noted they work closely with SACOG at the regional level.

Some major projects PCTPA is involved with include ongoing improvements along Interstate 80 through Placer County. Click noted work is currently underway and making progress to alleviate traffic congestion in the area. While expanding roadway infrastructure is not always popular, Click emphasized its importance given Placer County’s low levels of mass transit use presently. PCTPA is working to improve micro transit options like GoPlacer, an app-based ridesharing program serving South Placer communities. A new express bus route is also slated to launch in South Placer this coming spring. Additionally, PCTPA helps fund the Students Ride Free program across Placer County.

Click highlighted a new grant PCTPA recently received to update the county’s Active Transportation Plan focused on improving bike and pedestrian infrastructure. As the largest county in California currently without a self-help transportation funding measure, Click said PCTPA’s goal is to educate voters on the benefits of a dedicated local funding stream. Click directed attendees to the website for more information.

In the concluding slides, Click shared PCTPA’s top priority projects listed on their website including the Highway 65 Widening project and Interstate 80/Highway 65 Interchange Improvements. His presentation provided engineers in attendance with a helpful recap of PCTPA’s role and the transportation initiatives and improvements underway across Placer County. The September ACEC monthly meeting featured guest speaker Matt Click, Executive Director of the Placer County Transportation Planning Agency (PCTPA). Click began his presentation by welcoming all consultants in attendance and reinforcing that his door is always open to support them in any way.

By Rami Gharaibeh, Director

Author: Editorial Team