24th Annual Summer Social

Mark your Calendar!  Save the Date!  Saturday, June 22nd, 2019.  Sierra Chapter’s 24th Annual  Summer Social, the “official passing of the gavel event.”

This is our annual party to celebrate the past year and look forward to the coming year. This is the only event that spouses and significant others are not only invited, but encouraged to attend so that we can just have fun and enjoy the event together.

Dress is casual . We will install new Chapter Officers and Board Members, and say farewell to the 2018/2019 President, Debanik Chaudhury.

We promise to keep the evening casual with fun, good food and drinks.  We also and guarantee to keep the meeting short and/or entertaining.

Soon you will be receiving an official invitation with all the details.

We look forward to seeing you on June 22nd!


Author: Editorial Team