Joint ACEC/APWA Meeting Recap – West Sacramento Mayor Christopher Cabaldon

We kicked off the new year with our always popular Joint ACEC/APWA lunch meeting on January 5th at the Dante Club. Our guest speaker was City of West Sacramento Mayor Christopher Cabaldon. Thanks to Past APWA Director and West Sacramento Public Works Director, Denix Anbiah, we were able to secure the mayor to speak to our joint organizations. This was also Bill Shunks first meeting as the Sacramento Chapter’s APWA President. Bill is with the City of Sacramento Department of Public Works.As always, the turnout was excellent with many Sierra Chapter members in attendance. President Landon Blake sat at the head table with the other dignitaries.

Mayor Cabaldon focused his talk on infrastructure and the challenges cities have in dealing with the magnitude of work to maintain and upgrade it. He referred to it as the most important thing our city’s do (and no one in the audience disagreed!). He listed all of the important infrastructure work the City of West Sacramento is engaged with from the Street Car Project, to Flood Protection, the Port of Sacramento and water and wastewater projects. He said the city has $2 to $3 Billion in future infrastructure work. The critical items are how to fast track the work and encourage private investment since there are little to no funds coming from the Federal Government. Mayor Cabaldon wrapped up his presentation and then answered questions. A great lunch program to kick off 2018!


Author: Editorial Team