President’s Message

Every company can benefit from a well thought out strategic plan. In representing all of our member firms, ACEC functions like a company and hence could also benefit from an updated plan focused on strategies which help the engineering and surveying member firms. Thus, I’m pleased to announce that the State Board voted this past month to embark on preparing a statewide ACEC strategic plan under the leadership of incoming President Bill Wagner.

At the crux of the strategic planning process will be developing policy platforms that focus on core issues such as infrastructure funding for transportation, water, and redevelopment. These platforms will inform decisions regarding legislative and advocacy efforts for the ACEC-CA Board of Directors, State committees, and ultimately the Sierra Chapter Board.

Another component will be an escalation in Public Relations efforts to increase public exposure to ACEC-CA. The general public really does not understand what engineers and surveyors do and how our work impacts their daily life. Promoting ACEC-CA as the “Engineer Party” or the “Surveyor Party” will allow the organization to form coalitions, raise public awareness of the professions, and do what we do best . . . design and build stuff!

An organization needs to stay nimble with changing times. The strategic plan will be slated for updates regularly every two to four years to ensure that our mission and message are still fresh and on target.

I am excited to see the outcome of the planning process, and our chapter’s State Directors will provide the chapter updates as they become available. If you have any immediate input, please don’t hesitate to contact me so I can share it with the Board of Directors and Executive Committee.

My tenure as your Chapter Board President is winding down. Planning for our Summer Social is in full swing where I’ll be shuttled out to the pasture. The social will be a fun filled evening at a local winery, details are on Page 3. I hope to see you there!


Author: Editorial Team