November Meeting Recap – Sabrina Drago, STA

There was a great turnout for our November in-person meeting. We had the pleasure of having Sabrina Drago, the Executive Director from Sacramento Transportation Authority (STA).  She talked about the creation of STA in 1988 when Measure A, the ½-cent 20-year transportation tax, passed. In addition to Measure A, STA administers the Freeway Service Patrol and the Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Program.

Ms. Drago explained that while the STA does not procure their own projects, they fund critical projects in the area such as the Capitol Southeast Connector, the US 50 widening, I-5 managed lanes and Folsom Crossing and Richards/I-5 Interchange.  They help to move a project forward or serve as a local match for state or federal funds.

Looking to the future STA put Measure B out, an additional 30-year ½ cent sales tax, for a vote in 2016. It failed by less than 1%. Sabrina had hoped to get support for a new measure this fall, but the community support was just not there. Not to worry, there is a “citizens’ initiative” that is tackling this funding.

Sabrina closed by saying STA recently conducted public meetings as part of the 10-year expenditure plan review and have added bicycle and pedestrian improvements as eligible expenditures.


By Rosa Griggs, Director


Author: Editorial Team