Past President’s and Tim Fleming Memorial Scholarship Award Dinner Meeting Recap.

Our 9thAnnual Past President’s Dinner and Tim Fleming Memorial Scholarship Award Ceremony was another awesome evening of history and celebration for the Sierra Chapter. On February 19th, your legendary Past Presidents were joined by an assortment of members and guests including our Guest Speaker, ACEC-CA State President Gary Antonucci. In addition, we were joined by Camilla Saviz, UOP Civil Engineering Department Chair and Dawn Antonucci from the Bay Bridge Chapter.

Although the parade of Past Presidents was impressive, the highlight for me was handing out the Tim Fleming Memorial Scholarship check to Gena Farley of the University of the Pacific. She received a check for $2,000.

This year we also had Ryan Fleming and Susan Fleming Bentley in attendance to award the check to Gena. This was the 9th year of the scholarship. Remembering Tim’s legacy in this way is absolutely a win-win for our Chapter and the schools in our area. Thanks are also due the California Transportation Foundation (CTF), who administers the fund. In addition, the Sierra Chapter Board approved another $4,000 donation to the scholarship which is now an endowed scholarship!

Following the scholarship presentation, State President Gary Antonucci, provided an excellent overview of ACEC National and ACEC-CA programs, strategies and accomplishments for 2019/2020.

In addition, Gary recognized the Sierra Chapter for our outstanding contributions to both the State and National organizations with past officers and committee involvement. Did you know our Chapter has produced five State Presidents! They include Arnie Spiess, John Baker, Eddie Kho, Rob Salaber and Tom Blackburn. A very impressive list. Gary also inspired all of us to engage our young new leaders in ACEC and continue to support State and National committees.

Year First Name Last Name Firm (during Presidency)
1994-1995 Paul Enneking Psomas
2000-2001 Eddie Kho Morton &Pitalo, Inc.
2003-2004 Tom Blackburn Blackburn Consulting
2010-2011 Marco Palilla HDR Engineering, Inc.
2012-2013 Steve Greenfield Cunningham Engineering
2013-2014 Ted Hopkins Shannon & Wilson
2015-2016 Harvey Oslick Wood Rodgers
2016-2017 Dana Remington Andregg Psomas
2017-2018 Landon Blake BKF Engineers
2018-2019 Debanik Chaudhuri Shannon & Wilson

Finally, Past Presidents joined us from as far back as 1994, Paul Enneking, up through and including the 2018-2019 Past President, Debanik Chaudhuri.  Unfortunately, we forgot to take the annual “Past President’s Photo” so I have listed those in attendance on the previous page. Thanks again to all the Past Presidents, Gary and Dawn Antonucci, Susan Fleming Bentley and Ryan Fleming, Camilla Saviz, and our scholarship winner Gena Farley for making this another awesome Sierra Chapter event!


Author: Editorial Team