ACEC California continues to work with the No on Prop 6. Coalition to defeat Prop. 6. If Prop. 6 passes, it would eliminate funding for more than 6,500 projects currently underway across California. Additionally, it would eliminate 68,000 well-paying jobs and $183 billion in economic investments as thousands of road construction projects would
come to a stop. Prop. 6 is also opposed by California Firefighters, California Association of Highway Patrolmen, the American Society of Civil Engineers, and engineering groups like ours. In addition, many Sierra Chapter member firms have donated to the campaign.

A national transportation research group (TRIP) released an updated report: : California Transportation by the Numbers. The report points out: “The Hidden Costs of Deficient Roads: Driving on California roads that are deteriorated, congested, and that lack some desirable safety features costs California drivers a total of $61 billion each year. TRIP has calculated the cost to the average motorist in the state’s largest urban areas in the form of additional vehicle operating costs (VOC) as a result of driving on rough roads, the cost of lost time and wasted fuel due to congestion.

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Author: Editorial Team