Recap—July 2018 State Board of Directors Meeting, Pendry Hotel, San Diego

The July board of directors meeting held at the Pendry Hotel in San Diego, was the start of the New Year for the board officers and directors. The gavel was passed from Mike Cooper to Ralph Guida and all the directors and officers were sworn into their positions. ACEC Retirement Plan made a presentation to all the members present. The ACEC Retirement plan has several different options to choose from and takes care of the fiduciary requirements so the member firms have fewer headaches. The plan is available to all member firms.

Membership numbers continue to increase with new member firms, although there is  some consolidation with existing firms merging or being acquired by other member firms.
Update on the Caltrans Liaison Committee, it appears that Caltrans is willing to agree on a 10%± profit for consulting firms that are looking to work with Caltrans. Caltrans also is agreeing with yearly escalation and is currently working on a pilot project in District 7.ACEC CA Engineering Excellence Award competition is currently open for firms to submit project with a deadline of September 28th. The Awards banquet will be at the Hilton Union Square in San Francisco on February 7, 2019.

ACEC National has a new Executive Director, Linda Bauer Darr who has an extensive background in transportation. Linda will be meeting with all the State groups to better understand the membership. Succession Planning – ACEC National is working on a plan to get young professional members to attend more Local, State and National events. White
paper coming out soon. Get firms to budget so that young professionals may attend National Events.

Diversity Inclusion – more a diversity of thought than race, gender or groups. PAC – both State and National PAC’s are focusing on Transportation Advocacy in the upcoming election.

Next State Board Meeting will be in Napa on October 10, coinciding with the upcoming Annual Strategic Summit.


Author: Editorial Team