Joint ACEC/APWA Meeting Recap – Mayor Darrell Steinberg

We kicked off the new year with our always popular Joint ACEC/APWA lunch meeting on January 6th at the Dante Club (the new APWA lunch location since the Red Lion Woodlake Hotel closed). Our guest speaker was City of Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg. Thanks to Past APWA President and recently retired Public Works Director (and newly retired annuitant with the City Managers office) Jerry Way, we were able to entice the new mayor to speak to our joint organizations. This was also Bill Roberts first meeting as the Sacramento Chapter’s APWA President. Bill is with the City of Sacramento Department of Utilities.

As always, the turnout was excellent with many Sierra Chapter members in attendance.

This was Mayor Steinberg’s first official speaking engagement since taking office in mid-December. He talked about many issues facing the City and the challenges his new administration will have in the coming years. He recognized the efforts of City staff and the important tasks they perform on a daily basis. Mayor Steinberg mentioned the need to forge better relationships with UC Davis and the possibility of extending light rail to Davis instead of the airport (a radical concept). After many questions from the audience, Mayor Steinberg wrapped up his presentation and headed back to City Hall. A great lunch program to kick off 2017!


Author: Editorial Team