Mayor Darrell Steinberg to Address our Joint ACEC/APWA Meeting on January 6th

Our annual joint meeting with the Sacramento Chapter of APWA is right around the corner and always draws a big crowd.  This years meeting should carry on that tradition with Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg as our special guest. Please note, this meeting will be held at the Dante Club, not the Red Lion Woodlake Inn (remember, that place is now closed down).

Mayor Steinberg was elected last Spring by a wide margin and takes office this month. The former state Senate leader cruised to victory with 59 percent of the vote, more than 32 percentage points ahead of his closest competitor, Councilwoman Angelique Ashby.

Mayor Steinberg had a successful run in the state legislature as a State Assemblyman and then State Senator.  He was the first Sacramentan to serve as President of the Senate in over 125 years. As a leader of the state’s upper house, Mayor Steinberg got things done by building coalitions and finding common ground among opponents to deliver real results including guiding the state back to fiscal solvency during the economic downturn.

As a state legislator, he championed economic development, education reform, building sustainable communities and major investments in healthcare and education. He fought to ensure a portion of Cap-and-Trade funding be used to help cities invest in local transit improvements. Through all of this, his work has always focused on Sacramento.

Mayor Steinberg and his wife, Julie, have two children Jordana, 21 and Ari, 19. He is a graduate of UCLA and UC Davis Law School. He is a founder and Board Chair of the Steinberg Institute for Advancing Mental Health Policy and is the Director of Policy and Advocacy and a visiting professor for the UC Davis Behavioral Health Center of Excellence. Please join ACEC and APWA members on Friday, January 6th to hear Mayor Steinberg’s vision for Sacramento’s future!


Author: Editorial Team