Vick Kyotani, SRCSD Advanced Wastewater Treatment Program Manager—April Recap

Our April Meeting speaker was Vick Kyotani, Program Manager of one of the largest design and construction projects in the region: the Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades being implemented by the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District (SRCSD).

Vick gave a nice overview of the program including the makeup of the team, the projects that are planned and others that are possibilities, and the schedule and spending plan for implementation. In summary, the project is a $1.5 Billion upgrade made necessary by new wastewater discharge permit requirements that mandate significantly enhanced treatment prior to discharge to the Sacramento River. SRCSD is contesting some of the mandated permit requirements in court but most are being programmed and planned now.

Upgrade projects at the plant and the expected date of RFP releases were reported by Vick to be as follows:

SRCSD—AWTP Planned Projects Scheduled Design RFP Release
Flow Equalization Basins May 6, 2013
Granular Media Filtration May 2013
Building Relocations (Bufferlands, Harvest Crew, CMID, PMO, and Heavy Maintenance) May 2013
Primary Effluent Pumping Station July 2013
Main Electrical Switchgear Expansion July 2013
RAS Pumping Stations August 2013
Site Management (Utilities, Staging, On-Site Roads) September 2013
Landfill Removal September 2013
Filter Influent Pumping Station February 2014
Disinfection (by UV or Chlorine, not determined yet) August 2014
CO Tanks Conversion December 2014
Control Systems Integrator RFP release not scheduled yet

Author: Editorial Team